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I Forge Iron

How many layers to use

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I have the body of my forge welded up.  I used pipe about 1/4" thick and is 8" wide and 9" deep.  I got ceramic blanket, Plistix and Kast-o-lite 3000 from Wayne Coe.  I plan on having a floor from the Kast and also to use it to line the blanket, at 1/4-1/2".  If I have my numbers right, one layer of blanket gives me inside diameter about 6" with rough volume of 225 cu/in.  2 layers give about 4 inches and around 100 cu/in. (Both would have one layer on the back) This is before the Kast.  I have a 3/4" burner. Am I making the inside too small with the two layers?   

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Find a bigger shell. There is no good reason to make it from 1/4 thick pipe, stove pipe is more than enough. Of course sometimes we find a piece of pipe that would work as a forge body, I did  but I'm not going to post pics of THAT forge. Just because you have something doesn't mean you have to use it.

A 3/8" Porter or a 1/2" T are much more appropriate to the volume you're looking at.

Frosty The Lucky.

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