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I Forge Iron

making me a hammer


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So iv recently got some stuff together and I'm getting into blacksmithing I have some hammers that I can get started with. But after some reading on IFI iv decided I would like to get a cross pine hammer, but I don't wanna buy one... I have several hammer heads and I would like to take one or all of them to a smith "near me" and help him forge me some hammers. I think it would be a great learning process and an absolutely awsome experience. So please if your in oklahoma and have a spare day or two let me know I'll even pay for the "class" and bring the heads to use for the hammer or hammers I have 4 or 5 sledge type. This would be a great experience for me and hopefully you too. 

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(I'm on my phone so I have to look up people's profiles to see where there from, and I have horrible Internet here at work.) Yeah, Holdenville, looks like it's about 2 hrs from me.

One thing I would suggest is look on the SCABA website and see if you can find Byron Donner. (I'm about 85% sure that's his name) Anyways,  he's up in Norman and I believe he has an open forge type night every Friday at his shop. Give him a call to make sure.

I went there once, great group of nice, helpful guys with TONS of knowledge! And you don't have to be a member of SCABA to go. You should try heading there and I bet they can help you with your hammers or anything else your interested in doing.

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Cody: Now's a good time to discover the internet ain't as hot as most folk think. Face time beats monitor time any day, well when it comes to actually learning a craft with a minimal PITA factor. The telephone is also superior when you're trying to find things, if a company doesn't carry or do THAT they'll probably know one that does. You don't get that kind of give and take online.

Hook up with SCABA, they'll get you rolling.

I've been known to modify hammers, it's why they're on my buy it for reasonable list at garage yard, etc. sales. 20 oz. +/- ball pein.

Frosty The Lucky.



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30 minutes ago, Charlotte said:

I was told once that any piece of tool metal with a hole through it was worth a buck.

Ya I understand that I don't mind paying or trading some steel for it. But I'm looking for the experience most of all.


Thanks RDS I will get in touch with him soon.


And ya Frosty I know this will only get me so far I'm just trying to make some contacts near me. And I will move out to more options now. Start calling SCABA tomorrow and figure out the connections there just figured I would start here

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