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Having stumbled onto the site here several times from Google searches I've been reading quite a few back posts. After having read enough to be able to predict various members responses and customary level of off topic ranting, I figured I might as well sign up. 

I do sell a few things here and there, and I'm seriously considering building up some inventory and attending some craft shows etc. As such, I primarily came here looking for tooling ideas, making jigs and such trying to economize my time on production runs and optimizing repeatability. I do have some other inquiries that I've not been able satisfy via the search function. (Apparently largely due to the software problems and recent loss of substantial media.)

I hail from SoCal, and currently reside somewhere in Texas. In person, I'm an extremely private person, or possibly just some intense social anxiety issues, so I have little interest being "surprised at just how many of the IFI gang live nearby". Not trying to be rude, just being real. 


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Well, you'll find plenty of ideas for your jigs, tooling, etc on this site and there are plenty of experienced smiths here willing to share their knowledge.

But you know, mate, the best way to improve your skills is to get to know the smiths in your area and learn from them. I'm no psychiatrist, but it might be a good way to overcome your anxiety ... we are really quite a friendly bunch. But that's up to you.

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Welcome aboard P, glad to have you. You aren't the only one who doesn't want visitors. Up to you.

So what are you producing, what's the stock, what's your equipment set up, facilities, what's the market? Are you solo, have a crew?

Frosty The Lucky.

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I make lots of random stuff. Keychains, pendants, various racks (key, coat, pot, saddle, bridle etc.), shoe hornshorns, back scratchers. Basically anything I can fit in my Gasser.  Primarily steel, some aluminum, I'd like to work with some copper/copper alloy but I'm hold off on that until I know what sells well.  

After making only 4 bottle openers here recently, I have a dozen on order and I haven't even got them 100% figured out yet. LOL I'm thinking they will probably sell well here. 

I recently started making shackles and collars, primarily to suit my own fancy. Seems like a niche that's largely untapped, of course it could be because there's no demand, so I have no idea if they'll sell, but I like making them. 

Oh, and I make all my tools short of hammers and the big stuff. (Vise anvil etc)

I work solo, no shop to speak of, actually have to pack everything in/out of a cargo trailer ATM. I have shop space available, just that it's 30 mins away so I'd really only use it if I had a large consignment or something.  

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