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I Forge Iron


Maine hammer

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Hello and welcome. You have found a great place to start.  There are a lot of very experienced and helpful Smiths here. If you have any questions, try the search tool as I have found, as a beginner myself,  that most of my questions have already been asked and answered. If you still can't find a answer...ASK....the people here are more than willing to share their knowledge.

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Welcome aboard, glad to have you. There is a LOT of reading available here, literally thousands of posts on almost any subject you can think of. If you don't understand what you read, please give a shout someone here will answer even if we have to make something up.

Frosty The Lucky.

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And don't get discouraged if the only thing you can find is what would be a good answer, if only the pictures were still there. 

Also, don't get discouraged by the "Forbidden" glitch.  If it pops up, just wait awhile and try again, or follow the other various Voodoo Chicken methods that have been posted of getting it to go away in the "Feedback and Support" forum under "Found a problem, anyone else experiencing it?" post.

Finally, don't be surprised if/when this post gets moved to introductions.

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