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I Forge Iron

Metro Detroit Area

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Welcome aboard Skeeter, glad to have you. If you'd prefer we use your own name or handle, just let us know or put up with the one we make up for you. ;)

So what do you wish to forge? got pictures of your equipment (family forum!) tools, projects, etc? We LOVE pics, any ones you'd want your 7 year old daughter to look at that is.

Frosty The Lucky.

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Skeeter is the nickname i go by normally so that works. I'm still putting together equipment.  I have a small, very rough, railroad track anvil and a 3 pound cross pein hammer.  Been working with a guy that has an automotive shop to piece together a portable forge.  Everything has to stall small and portable at this point so it can fit in my trucks toolbox.

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Cool I can maybe remember Skeeter, it's a TBI thing. Nothing wrong with a RR rail anvil but keep your eyes open, there's plenty of good smithing gear in your area. Get hooked up with the local organization, you'll learn more in an hour working with an experienced smith than days or more trying to figure it out yourself.

Check the sections here about forges before you make one learn from other's mistakes. Unless of course you really prefer your own, I've tried that it's not as much fun as most think. <_<

Have you heard of the Mastermyr find? It's an ancient blacksmith's kit found in a bog in Gotland Sweden. It's a rectangular chest a strong man could carry on the trail. It contained the blacksmith shop, tools, materials and projects.

I'm not suggesting it or any of many small kits as what you SHOULD use but as examples of what's really needed. It isn't the tools that do the work, it's the human holding them.

Next to hooking up with other blacksmiths I think my next best advice is don't over think your tools and equipment, keep it simple. After you've spent a couple few years learning the craft, what YOU like and need you'll be able to get fancier.

Frosty The Lucky.

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Thank the folks on the gun forum for recommending IForgeIron.

Pack a lunch, a cold drink and a comfortable chair and start reading on a subject that interests you. Welcome to IForgeIron.

Edited by Glenn
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