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Help to dentify anvil

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Hello, everybody. I want to buy these anvils. Can anyone help me to identify its manufactures & age. The little one has marks: on the one side there are 3 stars, on the other numbers: 5 3 9 1. It looks like Wilkinson or Mousehold. weight is about 160 lb. (65kg) length 23" height 9"

Another big one has no marks (currently I have only these photographs) weight is about 600 lb. (210kg) length 39.3" height 13.7", width 6.6"












Edited by Ivan85
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The top one has done some work but is still useable, the stars could be a punch of some sort been driven into the side and you have to love people with welders that can't resist leaving blobs everywhere.

The big one looks like a SOHO pattern but the tool steel deck is missing?


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Well the answers to your question may vary quite a bit if you are in Croatia, or South Africa, or Australia, or...  yet you didn't mention location.

I'm from Ukraine. The matter is that a lot of everything, including tools & anvils was taken out from Germany after the World War II in 1945. For example this anvil, which I've bought a couple of days ago. http://www.iforgeiron.com/topic/42701-hungrian-pre-wwii-cast-steel-austrian-style-church-windows-anvil-sac-mnosz1300-in-unused-condition-have-some-questions-about-it/

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