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Fire extinguishers

Dr Dean

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Do you have fire extinguishers in your house and in your shop? Yes, good! Now the next question, how long has it been since they were serviced? Ok so the pressure is good but is the dry chemical packed in the bottom? I check my own and service them annualy. To service a dry chemical extinguisher first check the pressure on the guage. If that's ok then turn it upside down and rap it with a rubber mallet untill you hear a change in tone and you get more rebound. You'll know when you got it. Ok lets all go out and do our part for our families safety.

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You should give your fire extinguishers a rap with a mallet at the six month point. On its first birthday, buy another one or have the current one serviced and certified by a qualified Fire Protection service outlet. A fire extinguisher may seem an unnecessarry expense............. until something goes wrong. That is when something that goes wrong (small fire getting bigger) goes horribly wrong (fire extinguisher doesn't work well or at all), and you can't press a rewind button.

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Thank You Dr. Dean
Your reminder about “Checking our Fire Extinguishers” is a very timely one for me.
I will be out tapping on all three of my fire extinguishers today!
One of the compelling reasons I stay connected to this web site (I Forge Iron) is for the timely insight that is shared by knowledgeable blacksmiths such as your self (Dr. Dean) Daryl, Glenn, and Dale who all makes very good points and that care enough about everybody’s safety to support this post. That is good enough for me.
I would encourage everybody to follow your suggestion about checking their fire extinguishers
For those who do not have a fire extinguisher, please consider what your needs may be to save your life, limb, and all you have invested in your shop, just in case of a fire.
Then, please act on your findings!
As Glenn asked: When was the last time you checked the smoke detector and/or replaced the battery?
I say this with over 36 years of experience as an investigator who has seen more tragedy than I could bear at times. That is what compels me to take the time and effort to encourage you (my associates) to be safe.
In fact, now I am going to go out and dig my water hose out of the snow and store it in an area where it will be dry and accessible should I need it.
Be safe!
Old Rusty Ted

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I decided to post this as I was doing my Dec 1 household maintance. Yes the smoke detector batteries is included as well as changing oil in air compressor, oiling-greasing motors and changing furnace filters. My buddy that lost his machine shed with 2 million dollars worth of farm equipment is my inspiration to stay on top of the safety items.

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