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I Forge Iron

Anvil Knowledge

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Hello,  I have this anvil that has belonged to my family for many years.  I have done some research on this anvil but have not been able to concluded who the maker and the year is, on the front foot it appears to show "T 250" and "A35483".  It is hard to make out exactly.  Would anyone be able to provide some information on the maker, year and estimated value.

Thank you.

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Welcome aboard, glad to have you. If you'll put your general location in the header you might be surprised how many of the IFI gang live within visiting distance.

Looks like a pretty nice anvil, I'll let someone more knowledgeable than I guesstimate the maker. Do you use it, want too? Have more tools, want more?

Frosty The Lucky.

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Hi BBH, what you have there is an early Trenton brand made by the Columbus Forge and Iron Company. They are high quality anvils some of the best ever made. Yours was produced around 1903. The logo if still intact is located on the side of the anvil you look at with your right hand on the horn and left hand on the heel. Some times the logo is gone from use and rust. You will have to clean it a bit if not visible. Usually Trenton in a diamond but some were stamped with other hardware company logos such as Acme (for Sears & Robuck) I have used a 250 Lb Trenton for a long time, my favorite anvil. As to value don't know where you are, around where I live in the $500.00 to 800.00 range, give or take some. I'd get to using it if you have the interest they are a fine anvil to forge on! If no logo the give away is that Trenton was the only manufacturer that stamped the front foot with weight and serial # like yours. I have a number of them and have looked at lots more. Hope this helps Take care

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  • 3 weeks later...

Thank you Direwolf and Frosty,  I appreciate the information and I will clean it up a bit more to see if I can locate a stamp or not.  This anvil is a multi-purpose tool for me (for now anyways)!!  I have not gotten into working iron yet, perhaps later when life calms down a bit.  I changed by header to show location, Yreka, CA, up by the Oregon border in the area consider as the State of Jefferson.  I also have a vise that is used in the hardie hole, except for the tail portion of the vise broke off down towards the tip.  Nice ole stuff!

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