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I Forge Iron

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I bought a new anvil on ebay about a month ago, and I chipped it, unfortunately it cost me $256 dollars and $66 in shipping and tax, it is 125 lb pounds, it is hardened forge steel, heat treated, and has a Rockwell hardness of 52. So how should I fix the chipped edge? And how should I dress the anvil.

I have a picture before I chipped and painted it black. 


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20150214_194104.thumb.jpg.ee72348ed06a09I bought a new anvil on ebay about a month ago, and I chipped it, unfortunately it cost me $256 dollars and $66 in shipping and tax, it is 125 lb pounds, it is hardened forge steel, heat treated, and has a Rockwell hardness of 52. So how should I fix the chipped edge? And how should I dress the anvil.

I have a picture before I chipped and painted it black. 

Edited by ThomasTheRebel
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How badly did you chip it? It's have to be a darned severe chunk knocked out of an edge to warrant repairs. Post a couple pics of the damage so we can get a handle on the situation. You're probably over reacting to normal wear and tear, sharp edges on an anvil are not desirable features in most cases. Still, it's like getting the first scratch in your first new car, it hurts and you just want it to go away but in the scheme of things it's no big deal.

Nothing wrong with painting your anvil, heck paint it pink with hearts if you wish. It won't effect it one bit and nobody who's opinion is worth considering would make fun of someone who beats steel into submission with hammers. <wink>

Frosty The Lucky.


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How big of a chunk did you take out of it?   I ask because you MIGHT be stuck with making the best out of a bad situation.


If the anvil is new contact the Manufacture or seller and see if they will work with you and replace it.


I hope you have a quality anvil that I just don't recognize but,,,, it looks a little like a A.S.O.


If you decide to fix the edge I suggest you put a large radius were it chip is (1/4"R or greater) and a smaller radius on the edge across from it.  I have  different size radiuses at different places on my anvil and they all get used for something.

let us know what you find out.



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I know when I chipped the edge on my shinny new Nimba......it sure felt like a big deal. :wacko: I don't think my anvil felt it but it sure hurt me.

In retrospect it made me take a flapper wheel to the edges and soften em up a bit which is the best thing I did for it. I find that a radius edges is much more useable and doesn't mar up what I'm beating on. I still got a couple of inches of sharp edge incase I need it but I rarely use that section of the anvil. Sharp edges seem to cause more problems for me than they solve.

I agree with Frosty and Russell. Unless you knocked out a big chunk....dress the edges and rock on. 

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Please post some pics of the damage before you do anything to it. It may not  need anything but dressing. These things really do feel a lot worse then they usually are. Whatever you do don't get in a hurry to "fix" it.

Frosty The Lucky.

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