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I Forge Iron

Looking for help near Sioux Falls SD

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Hello I'm looking for blacksmithing help near Sioux Falls SD. I'm looking to pick up blacksmithing as a serious hobby but I'm not sure where to start. If anyone could help that would be greatly appreciated. 

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Welcome aboard, glad to have you. If you put your general location in the header you might be surprised how many of the IFI gang live within visiting distance. Near the bottom of the IFI opening page you will find the regional association pages/links so you can find one closest to you and hook up with a club.

There you will also find different subjects for your reading pleasure. Sure you'll need a comfy chair, lunch and something to drink to keep your strength up for all the days worth of reading available but you'll probably find every question you have has already been answered any number of times.  It'll also gain you a basic vocabulary and knowledge so you can ask good questions and understand the answers . . . Well, hopefully, sometimes we don't understand our answers even if we wrote them. <grin>

Frosty The Lucky.

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To parrafrase Glenn, sometimes you have to learn enugh to become ignorant. But after the years, his "little" website has grown to the point that lunch and a drink just aint enug. Irecommend  moving your chair to a strategic location between the fridge and bathroom. Idealy place the fridge infront of the john...

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