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I Forge Iron

my first knives


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hi guys,

i figured while i was waiting for info on the anvil i am looking at i would post some of my first projects. The rr spike knife was my first actual attempt at a knife made from a spike and my second successful knife. i also tried my hand at some simple file work on this one.

the knife with a wooden handle was made from a leaf spring i got off an old boat trailer, it has a hidden tang and a wooden handle made from a piece of walnut and i believe the lighter part of the handle is pine. both pieces of wood were left over from one of my dads projects.

rr spike knife.jpg



Edited by MarkDobson
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Was the spike you used in that first one corroded at all? or was it a newer spike? 

I ask because I have a semi large stockpile of spikes ( grandfather was a Union Pacific man his whole life ) that I am working with as I learn this craft, and am curious about the coloration yours has compared to the pieces I have worked / working on. 

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Was the spike you used in that first one corroded at all? or was it a newer spike? 

I ask because I have a semi large stockpile of spikes ( grandfather was a Union Pacific man his whole life ) that I am working with as I learn this craft, and am curious about the coloration yours has compared to the pieces I have worked / working on. 

​the spikes i use are just old rusty ones i picked up from along the tracks a few years ago after they did some maintenance. found some of the old track anchors as well.

Thanks for the comments guys, it means a lot. hopefully once it warms up a bit i can get back out to the forge and make some more stuff. got a billet i made from barbed wire that i can hopefully make a decent knife from as well.

Edited by MarkDobson
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