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I Forge Iron

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By which I mean technically the most effective. I've forged several swords before, but this one is by far the superior blade. 

5160 forged to shape, triple normalized and quenched in Parks 50. I tempered the whole blade blue, and re-oxidized it before final assembly - wrought iron pommel has Space Invaders characters stamped in - both as requested by the customer. Copper spacers and mild steel guard with linseed oil finished cocobolo. The tang is peened over the pommel. There is a distal taper, and the balancing point is 5" from the guard... which I feel is a bit far, but I didn't have any heavier stock for the pommel... probably could have put more distal taper or fuller. 35.25" OAL, handle is 6.5" including 2" pommel, 28.75" blade, 7.375" wide guard, blade starts at 1.375" wide and .22" thick, weighs roughly 2.2lbs.

Because of the coloring I've come to call it the Quill because it makes me think of a porcupine quill.


Comments and critique very much wanted. This is probably my 10th sword, so my only excuse for the fit and finish is that it was an economical commission.


Neat, very unique! I guess that goes back to the old joke, how do you catch a unique sword....? :) sorry, it's late and watched too many X-Files re-runs....

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