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I Forge Iron

Columbian anvil

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Hello,  I have not been on here in a while, but I have a question on a anvil.

I am attending an auction tomorrow  in hopes to purchase a Columbian anvil.


In the listing  it states it is a,  Anvil Model C-26”,  26" long and as pictured, it looks to be in really great shape. maybe 150 lbs??


Are Columbians cast tool steel like Sweedish anvils or like Vulcan's?


I was reading the Anvil reviews earlier but still I am curious.



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Are Columbians cast tool steel like Sweedish anvils or like Vulcan's?





Columbians are neither. Sweedish anvils are one piece cast steel I believe and Vulcans are cast iron with a thin tool steel face which fused with the molten cast iron during the pour I guess. If the tool steel were thicker on a Vulcan it might be classed as good as a Fischer but it ain't by a long shot.

Cloumbians are cast malible steel but they have a thick tool steel  face which is a good combo imo but beware, they will chip badly if miss-struck......

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Well thanks for the info, I did get the anvil, I just got it home weighed it,  and posting now.


Weight is 150lbs or so on my old scale,  it is 27" long,and rings just like my 250lb sodefer, rebound is excellent!!

And it is a beauty, for $300, the  stump weighs as much as the anvil!


My last question is how thick are the face plates on these Columbian anvils??



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Columbian anvils are made from cast tool steel exactly like Soderfors, they are a one piece anvil thus no face plate. I own a number of them and have used them a lot, they are excellent anvils. In my opinion they are amoung the finest quality anvils out there, they are extremly tough and durable but like any anvil with abuse they will chip. You will have many years of service from it! enjoy.

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