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I Forge Iron

New to blacksmithing.


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Hello everyone. I'm new to the craft of blacksmithing and Just wanted to introduce myself.


My over all goal is to make working replica's of both video game and movie knives/swords/armor, but right now I'm just in the planning stages of planning and getting set up, so it will be a few months before working on any actual projects.


I'm mostly hear to search for useful information about the craft and will be popping in from time to time to ask questions and share what I've learned. 

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Complete your profile and add your location.  Once you get set up, seek out experienced smiths who would be willing to show you how to do basic operations.  Then practice, practice, and practice more.  Save the "weaponry" for when you get comfortable moving steel and you learn the safe operations of this craft.  Go to demonstrations of those in the know.

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I have severe social anxiety issues so it's probably not safe to work with others due to panic attacks. That's one of the reasons why I left my profile mostly blank.


Instead I plan to learn through research. Watching videos, and recording myself while I work with scrap metal on basic projects to compare and correct my technique. Dedicating 100+ hours to projects on basic forging techniques, and of course reading, reading, reading, all before I take the next step to where I want to be.


I won't progress quickly by going in alone, but I do think it's the best coarse for myself.

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Sorry but that plan is poor.

You'll not learn this any other way than by doing it. It's participant oriented. The skills needed to build proficiency will not come from any book or website.


Also, unlike everybody else around here I really don't care where you're from. (These guys are like a monotonous broken record always telling people to put up their locations) You know where you're from so find a blacksmith group near you. Go to their meetings learn what you can. Get some hammer time. No other way will get it done.


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Sorry but that plan is poor.

You'll not learn this any other way than by doing it. It's participant oriented. The skills needed to build proficiency will not come from any book or website.


Also, unlike everybody else around here I really don't care where you're from. (These guys are like a monotonous broken record always telling people to put up their locations) You know where you're from so find a blacksmith group near you. Go to their meetings learn what you can. Get some hammer time. No other way will get it done.


George, I don't care where anyone is from.  Just commenting so others in this community can be aware of a beginner in their midst.  And just in case anyone would like to invite the newcomer to learn or be able to offer some help or advise.

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haha thank you jim. I know my ideals are a little far fetched, but I do believe they're mostly achievable. Maybe when I hit a road block that I can't get past without someone's help I'll be well enough to make a shop visit and start taking on lessons.


Until then though, just like with everything, I plan to start small and work my way up gradually and at my own pace with an overall end goal.



Besides if I ever reach that point it wouldn't hurt to have as much self acquired knowledge as possible.

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