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I Forge Iron

ID this anvil

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Hi all,
can someone help with the ID of this anvil( sorry don't have postmans book yet). All i can make out so far is T.Hili or T.Hill and the hundredweight- 0 3 11.


I'll try to take better pics tomorrow.

Bear, Today 09 sep 07, I came home with a similar anvil, very similar. Same feet/waist. Looks a lot like yours. Yours however seems to be in very fine shape. Mine is not. The face is very rough with corners missing off the faceplate at the shelf and heel. Sloped. Nowhere can be found an "edge".
Then again I am very very happy to have gotten an older anvil such as this.
If in the future I get into period reenactments/demos, then I have a correct example to have on site.
I would like to post pics, have an email problem that way with my pc, so cannot post pics from here. Can snailmail a disc of pics if someone would care to post them (?) I know it's lame but it is a complicated problem.
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