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Can't find information for Grinder Motor and VFDs


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Hello all,
I am in the long process of saving up to buy a KMG grinder, because my mentor recommended that I don't build one because my time is too valuable and it would possibly end up being "an odd looking anchor." I would LOVE to be able to use my 3hp 1750rpm 3 phase motor that I already own, but I don't know if it is possible to use a 230 volt motor on a 115 volt connection, the only connection currently available in my shop. The reason I want to use the VFD and my own motor is because I could buy the KMG without a motor, and still get variable speed for "only" 300$ more. Is it possible to use a 230V input VFD on a 115 volt outlet? If not, what are some alternatives that have worked for you? My shop is almost 50 feet away from a breaker box, so it could be very expensive to run a new outlet. Let me know what you think! Any and all help is greatly appreciated. 
Your friendly neighborhood blacksmith in the making,

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Thanks Geoff.

Ryan I can provide you with a KBAC 29 VFD that will run a 3 hp motor off of a 230v circuit.  You can not run this off of a 115v circuit.  Be very careful if you buy the VFD from another source because there are KBAC 29 drives that require 3 phase input and one that will accept single phase 230v in.  Most suppliers don't know the difference and wind up sending the wrong one.  I have had several people contact me  because they could not get the VFD they had bought to work on single phase.  Some have been able to return the VFD and some haven't.

You can  get a KBAC 27D and run a 1.5 hp or 2 hp 3 phase motor on a 115v even though the manual that comes with the VFD states that you have to have 230v for 2 hp.  I recommend a 1.5 hp motor just because it saves a little money on the motor purchase.

You might also want to look at my DVD for "Build Moe's Grinder".  Look at my web-site and view the videos.

If you have other questions or would just like to discuss it either call me or send an e-mail.  I am always happy to help.

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