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I Forge Iron

new from Iowa


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greetings from the State of Iowa. My name is Daryl. I am researching the tallents, skills needed and equipment needed to begin blacksmithing. I live in central Iowa just North of the Capital city. At the moment I am in retail sales. I have been reading the chatts of one other newbie and I have to say it will be fun to actually begin. Who out there would be nearby? This IFI site has been proving to be real full of information and those who are encouraging to others in this field. Thanks for being around.

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Welcome aboard Daryl, glad to have you. A really good start for someone needing to research the craft is to pack a lunch, something to drink, pull up a comfy chair and start reading this site. Almost anything you're likely to ask has been covered several times like the list of questions you just asked.


Don't think this is some kind of blow off it most certainly isn't, this site is here for the free exchange of information and we generally LOVE getting new folk addicted to the craft. The thing is the language of blacksmithing has a purpose as do most technical jargons. WE need a specific language so we know what the other guy just said and we can respond to good purpose. Like any jargon it'll take a little time to pick it up enough you CAN ask good questions and understand the answers.


A good place to start learning the craft is the "A little knowledge is dangerous" stage.


Frosty The Lucky.

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