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I Forge Iron



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I don't or should say I've never sold "letters" I have sold a few address placards, one for the front of a house and a couple for mail boxes. I've done so few I used my "one off" pricing formula. (formula? snicker) They were all pretty simple, name and number from strip stock. the mailbox addresses were 3/4" x 1/8" bend on the flat with a little gentle hammer texturing and finial ornamentation and like yours but less. The house address was larger stock, 1" x 1/4" as I recall, again bent on the flat more worked finial.


I estimated the time, added maybe 10% and figured in the stock. The second mailbox number was more like profitable. Had I done more I'd have had the time down and been in the black.


I wish I had better advice but that's what I have. Make your best estimate and adjust as you go. The more you do the faster and better you'll get so profit will go up. If it's a one off project you may have to charge time and materials, it's what makes one off projects so much more expensive.


Frosty The Lucky.

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