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I Forge Iron

Circle Jig for Plasma Torch

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This jig has two sets of holes for circle cutting with a plasma torch. The holes are drilled to hold the torch tip and countersunk to match the Hypertherm nozzle. Both rows are set at 1 inch intervals but have different pivot pins to permit circles at one inch and half inch intervals.  The pivot bolt is tapered to set in a shallow drilled hole in the metal..I super glued a copper washer under the pivot bolt and another one at the top of the jig.  This makes for smoother action and allows the dross to escape. I also sprayed the metal and jig with MIG splatter guard.  Build time: 45 minutes. 



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Nice looking tool for your plasma cutter. The circle cutter I made for my torch is a lot simpler. It's just a length of 1/4" rd with a couple lab stand clamps and the inside end bent 90* and sharpened. To use you attach the torch to the rod with the lab stand clamp so the cutting jet is on the mark. The center of the jig is held in position by a deep center punch mark at the center of the circle. No, there isn't a little wheel for the torch tip, I've used the commercial versions and just NEVER liked the little wheel. I just hold the right standoff by eye, been doing it that way since I learned.


You do have to be careful when you use it or you can jump it out of the center, drag the torch tip or other mistakes. The lab clamp allows you to angle the torch tip so you can burn uniformly beveled holes. Think of it like a manual track burner.


Frosty The Lucky.

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my tool is a retired welder with the kit---I just showed him how to avoid the dimple and as the screw hole is deeper it helps keep the cutter from jumping out and mis-cutting.


I don't need to own all the pretty toys---I just need good *friends* who do.  Though as I get older I find that more and more I am that "friend" for other people...

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