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I Forge Iron

New from the valley of Va


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Hi just wanted to say hello and am looking forward to getting a lot of good info.  I have been a member of the Shenandoah Valley Blacksmith Guild for almost 2 years and have learned a lot, and know that I have a LARGE amount to learn before I can call myself a smith.  I am in the slow process of setting up a shop at home.  Almost finished a 14 x 14 shop in the back yard and am slowly working at getting a forge set up.  

   I have been working with metal for years and am a gray beard now.  I am interested in making tools to  work with and knives and hawks ect.  

                   See you around,


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Welcome aboard Flemish, glad to have you. Good move hooking up with the Guild, you'll learn more in an hour with an experienced smith than days or weeks on your own.


14'x14' is a good size for a shop if you don't end up doing overly large projects, say long railings, banisters, gates, etc. Of course  you can assemble them outside on nice days.


Just remember we LOVE pics: shop pics, project pics, tool pics, family pics, dog and scenery pics, they're all good. <wink>


Frosty The Lucky.

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