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Kohlswa anvil shop find

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Hi. Im not a blacksmith but have a machine and welding shop. While doing some much needed cleaning I came across 5 anvils my dad bought years ago. I have no use fo them but wanted to know what 2 of themare worth. 1 is a Kohlswa A1 and the other is a B36. Both just have surface rust but looked to never be used. 1 still has wood on face. Any info and direction would be greatly appreciated.
Thanks Frank

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Greetings Frank,


If you fill in your location on your profile or give your basic location the guys are more than willing to direct you to a local blacksmith group that I'm sure would give you direction and a fair price ...  If you take pictures and post them in the tailgating section of this forum you will get plenty of advice and a possible customer..   I hope this helps



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I would not be so dismissive of the value of an anvil in a welding shop.  You may not see then as relevant in a modern shop but in the hands of a skilled workman many things can be done, with out the need of expensive machines that require set up and more effectively than banging on a layout table.  I would set up one and not use it a cutting/grinding/welding stand.  Even in the most modern shop there are issues that come up that require good hard surface to pound on. 

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Timothy your absolutely right! I have a monster that we have had for 50 years. We use it regularly. I just found 5 more today and have no use. Gonna keep 1 and have to unload rest. Swage block comes in handy as well routinely.

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Timothy your absolutely right! I have a monster that we have had for 50 years. We use it regularly. I just found 5 more today and have no use. Gonna keep 1 and have to unload rest. Swage block comes in handy as well routinely.

Sorry my bad I guess I am a bit sensitive because the guy who does my CNC cutting thinks I live in the stone age because I do forging. he keeps his anvil on his desk and thinks its a quaint old toy. So lets see some pictures there are many NY members here that would want to see what you got. New anvils go for 5 bucks a pound and up.

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A bunch of as-new anvils?  You're a lucky fellow!


Weight and condition will set the tone, but I wouldn't hesitate to use $2 per pound as a good starting point.  If they are literally unused relics, the price goes up.  Smaller, lighter anvils are generally more expensive than larger anvils because of the greater demand for starting smiths and those that do demonstrations and have to haul their kit.

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Have anvil pics in tailgating section. They are all similiar sizes. Stuff...... I have some wilton vises and post vise, 18x18 swage block...... rest is machine shop equipment. Grinders, old snap on alignment kit, winches, crankshaft grinder.... I need room. Having sale this weekend.

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