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I Forge Iron

drafting problems

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ok we never had a problem with the drafting of our forge at our shop but it seems that now that theres a back draft. the only thing thats been changed is the lenght of the pipe. we added alittle to it but i would think that it would improve the draft. theres a blower mounted to the side of the pipe that i think blows air both up and down but everyone says that its been that way forever and that can;t be it. Any tips or ideas are welcomed.


crZy jaKe

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I am with you on the pipe BUT if that is the only thing changed can you pull it and see if it is your problem? Of course how about a bird nest or other obstruction coincidentally? Maybe putting on the pipe dislodged accumulated crud?

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I'm with Mills. Check to make sure that the flue is clean and unobstruted. Is it a side draft with a smoke shelve or is it overhead? Is the new section of pipe the same diameter? Is there a possibility the motor got bumped around and the airfow direction or force(damper/restrictor plate) has been changed.

Just a few things I'd check


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thanks for all the advice and tips so far everybody. i looked out the pipe yesterday and theres lonly a thin layer of carbon. but nothing else. its been an ongoing problem the weather been diffrent and it still drafts the same right now it hot and dry with some breeze. it seems that once the pipe gets hot it vent fine.

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