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I Forge Iron

New here, from Maine


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I joined up here at the end of last month when I was over on the Armour Archive forum, had some smithing related question, and was directed here by Thomas Powers.


A bit about me I guess... I started playing around with metal when I was in high school twenty years ago. I started out making chainmail, then found out about the Society for Creative Anachronism. Through the SCA I met a smith, Adam Gregory Williams, who was local to me, he took me under his wing and taught me about his specialty in smithing, which was making hilts for swords, and taught me a lot about other metal working, art, craft, work, people, life, etc... Through the SCA I was apprenticed to Adam for 16 years.


Aside from chainmail I have worked on hilt furniture for countless swords, a bit of armor, and an occasional decoratively forged doodad, thingamawatzit, or widget. I'm mostly a dabbler in making things, but I try to dabble as best as I can. So, I've dabbled in various forms of metalwork, stained glass, painting, traditional printmaking, historical costuming, and experimental archeology.


A couple years ago my wife and I bought a house with a huge garage to use as shop and studio space (we both focused/majored in art in college) and since then I've been slowly gathering tools to do everything I would like to do. Last summer I finally bought a venturi style forge burner and set up a simple "brick pile" forge. In december I got a great deal on a 350 pound Fisher anvil and feel like i can finally start pounding on some metal again. In the last year also gotten together a nice little collection of tinsmith stakes, a couple mildly crappy leg vises, and a very inadequate selection of hammers (a few other basic power tools too, but nothing exciting). I'm currently having a very hard time with the fact that I know of a nice step/caulking vice available for $50 but am having trouble making time to drive a few hours to pick it up.


I'll stop rambling on as I tend to do and post a few pics of metal stuff I've made over the years...



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Creative and absolutely beautiful work.  I'm fairly new to this forum, so I don't think it's up to me to make a formal welcome (I'll leave that to the members with more time - I was suprised that 20+ views by others before me yet no one had made a response) but as a Mainer it's nice to see your caliber of work in the state.  Based on the examples shown of your work I'm sure you'll be able to teach us all something. 



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