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I Forge Iron

Anvil outside?

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I am almost finished with my first rudementary smithy. I have a 125# sisco superior swedish anvil to a cut off stump (temporary stand). I am planning to move my forge and tools into the garage when not in use. Is it ok to leave the anvil outside covered with a tarp?

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If you're not concerned with theft, a tarp and oil will keep it just fine. I prefer LPS-3 to WD-40 LPS-3 leaves a wax film and is intended as a rust preventative. WD-40 is a Water Displacer and penetrant, good stuff but not so much as a lubricant or rust preventative.


Frosty The Lucky.

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It is very humid here so rust is a permanent problem. So I paint the sides of my anvils and then just grease the working surfaces if I know I am not going to be using them for a while. I would use grease rather than WD40 for longer term preservation as I think it works better.


A bit of rust just doesn't matter. I have a Brooks which rusts fairly quickly. The other 2 are a couple of US made Rhino anvils. Those seem to rust less readily. I think there is some nickle in the alloy of those so maybe that is why.

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