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I Forge Iron

Had great weather for yesterday's demo.


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I've been demo'ing at Old Dry Road Farm http://www.dryroadfarm.net/ for 16 or so years and usually it's humid and quite warm.
Not this time.
We had a good crowd come out with the cool weather and I showed how to make strap hinge finials throughout the day.
Making hooks was getting old so figured I'd try something different.
Also gives me some good practice fullering with the edge of the anvil and hammer.

In past years I would demo dutch oven cooking and make PUD cake, a main meal and rustic bread.
Friends of ours have two daughters that are interested in dutchies and along with two of their friends, did the dutch oven demo this time.
They made up some great food!

In the photo I was playing around with a spear point finial.



Next demo at the Hay Creek Apple Festival: http://www.haycreek.org/festivals.htm

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I was at a small RenFair put on as a fund raiser for a Spanish Colonial LH site near Santa Fe NM Saturday. Also beautiful weather and we were running a Renaissance camp kitchen based on the one shown in a 1570's woodcut (Bartolomeo Scappi's "Opera"). We roasted a whole pig (head, legs and tail still on it!) and had pots of lentils, pinto beans, a chicken soup, flat breads, a salad from the farm's garden, Calabacitas, fresh green chile, melons---likewise.

Most common question: "Is that a real pig?"

As there were two smiths there already---one in a historic shop using bellows and charcoal in an adobe forge. The other in a Teepee with a cast iron rivet forge using coal---I didn't bring a forge and so sat all day by the fire tending the pig while the cooks worked and raided the gardens. Boy was I hungry by the time it was done! It was shared with the re-enactors after the site closed to the public.

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Cheftjcook, thanks.
That bread was from the Artisan bread in 5 Mins a day recipe.
Baked it in the dutch oven in the elctric oven. http://www.artisanbr...in-a-dutch-oven
My favorite rustic bread recipe is this:

Thomas, I bet you were.
I started drooling as you described all that good food! :P

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