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I Forge Iron

alberta welder

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Hello I am from Alberta, I am a pipeline/oilpatch welder. I am the o/o of DS welding here in town, I also build custom BBQ pits and fool around a bit with wrought iron and I see I have alot to learn as I take a look around your forum. I hope to learn as much as I can, I know you guys most likely dont weld much of your stuff but if you have any questions about welding I'll try and help the best I can, its the only thing I can bring to the table right now but give me time I hope to know what I am doing down the road, or at least look like I know:)

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Alberta Welder,
Welcome to IFI.
You made me smile when I read your intro.
I believe your a blacksmith in welders clothing. Take a welder, Add some interest to become a blacksmith, wammo!! = Blacksmith!
The Idea that your willing to share welding knowledge = an IFI blacksmith!
The Idea that you came to the table is enough (for right now). We will pick your mind later!!!!! - - - Just kidding! - - Well maybe not!
Be safe!
Old Rusty Ted.

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Well Glenn the oilpatch is the biggest thing here in Alberta, Alberta is kind of
Canada's Texas. Okotoks means "Big Rock" in the Blood/Souix(I think) indian talk its 10mins south of Calgary. The oilpatch is vast in size, alot of the work is up in the nothern part of Alberta, it can get pretty cold there in the winter time, I've worked in -30/-40 alot of times in my life, if it didn't pay so well I'd stay home in the southern part. We get chinooks here in okotoks all the time
it can be -10 with snow and 10mins later it can be+15 with sunny skys. I have 2 little girls Grace 3 years old and Sadie 1 1/2years old, its harder to leave them and my wife behind and head out to work to the oilfield as they get older, I was a rodeo cowboy for close to 10 years(bareack rider) and I know what its like to life on the road so its starting to get old if you what I mean. I'd like to start getting a shop built and start getting more work around home, the oilpatch is going down hill, they bring in cheaper workers from China and Eastern Canada that do the work for way cheaper then I could ever. Lets just say skill isn't their strong point for sure, the big oil companies will find that out down the road;) I have new steel coming Monday, I'am going to do up some wrought iron stuff starting with some pineapple twists So I'll take some pictures and you guys can tell me what I am doing wrong and hopefully I can get better at maybe sell some stuff in town here who knows??

Here's a picture of my welding truck, Alberta style


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Alberta Welder,
I told ya so! "That you are a blacksmith in welders clothing".
Doing a pineapple twist is a good exersize to practice with.
The advantage is that you can see a pleasing result when it is done correctly. Plus you get to practice a couple of the blacksmithing disciplines such as chisel work and twisting techniques.
Nice Rig ya got there. Please send photos of your projects, tools & equipment, shop, and any other thing you think our eyes need to view!
Be safe!
Old Rusty Ted

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