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I Forge Iron

Portable setup, my first fire, and first results.

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Finally, I got to play.

I've been collecting pieces here and there over the last few months before recenlty falling off the anvil-addiction cliff, but due to my living in town with neighbors close, I haven't been able to tinker much yet. I'm in process of building a gas forge, but not completed. I've been scouring the archives here and reading tons.

I had bought a little rivet-type of forge with a Buff-Co blower on it a while ago but didn't have a place to play with it.
I found a heavy vise on welded tripod stand for $15 at an estate sale. I found a nice Budden anvil for a nice price. I bought a 25# bag of coal and packed in some hammers/tongs/tools I had collected, and visited my parents in northern Wisconsin this past extended weekend.

Had nice warm weather, and some cold beer, and a ton of fun. My dad needed a new fire poker for his wood stove in the shop. That was my first attempt at playing as a blacksmith. Couldn't wipe the smile off my face.

Then I attempted something a little more difficult for me. A new candle holder with cube twists. I'm happy with how it turned out for a total newb. I saw this idea in a thread here, and I loved the look. I blantantly stole the idea for the candle holder from member Dave Hammer in post #6 of this thread:


I was going from memory, and now looking at mine compared to his I notice how much more 'finished' his looks. Mine seems more like a 4yr old having a blast with some Play-Do. ;)

But I had a great time. Not enough hours in the day- I had to quit at dark when I couldn't stand the mosquitos anymore. This motivates me to get my gas forge done even faster....





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Cute little portable setup- and not a whole lot of cash involved.

The vice on the stand was $15, the forge with the Buff-Co blower was $100, and the avil was $250.

....stump was free, I just had to cut it. ;) All fits in the back of my Ranger truck, and I can do this anywhere with no electricity needed.
Until I get my gas forge going for my garage, I'm limited to using the portable setup where I won't bother any neighbors with smoke.

Dad loves his new fire poker, almost too nice to use it he says.

Now that my mom sees some potential, she says I can put together a chandalier for her.
I agreed and I'm starting to collect ideas for that. Maybe that would make a nice Christmas present.

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