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I Forge Iron

Small Knife Forge Ideas


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Hello all, New to the forum here!!!

I made a few knives back in the day (many moons ago) for friends and wanted to get back into the craft a few years ago. The knives were simple and primitive and made from some old found files and auto springs but had long wearing blades going for them.

I forgot most of anything learned way back then and took a basic blacksmithing course about 4 years ago to get started up in it again (wife thinks I’m nuts)! Anyway, I unfortunately sold a nice old forge and anvil last year due to a money situation we were going through, but things are starting to look better now as I recently scored a decent 170 LB anvil so I can start it all over again (LOL)!

The issue now is I need a functional and inexpensive forge to complete the transition back to hobby blacksmith/knife maker. I just picked up a 14" brake drum hub and need some ideas as to the best way to mount it to a base or stand? I was thinking (saw a picture) of a brake drum setup mounted on the top of what appears to be a 16 or 20 gal steel type drum. There's a section of it cutout so the pipes could be installed for the blower and also connected to the bottom of the firepot.

I do own a small 130 amp TIG / 90 amp arc welder and would like some thoughts if it's worth spending extra time & money constructing some type of heavier base or stand for it?

I'm only going to be making (for now) some small hunting type file/auto coil spring knives and think I want to have a small enough forge to keep the coal consumption down though I'm not really sure if that's really practical to do? However, I do plan to upgrade to a bigger and better type forge down the road as my finances permit, but for now I just need something to get me going at this again!


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Anything that will hold it is fine. I placed my brake drum forge on an old rusted out BBQ I got for free. ( search Cheapskate Forge on here) the base doesn't matter so much. Your air source and tuyere are a LOT more important.

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I want to "THANK" all for the fast replies!

I have a local blacksmith shop not far from me and I can get top quality coal at 50lbs for $17.00 a bag! :)
Since I'm located in PA there's no shortage of good grade stuff here!!!

Thanks again!

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