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Can anyone help with the signifigance of the anchor stamp on the front feet of a Peter Wright anvil? I searched the archives here and found a reference to it but no answer. I recently cleaned up a 109 lb. PW which had 3 such anchors stamped in the feet.
ANy help is appreciated.


I thought I read somewhere that some of these odd stamps were like shift or forgeing crew marks. My 165lb peter wright has a masions mark (square & compass) stamped in it.


Here's a picture of the anchor stamps on the front feet. ALso the side. Any additional information is appreciated.




Richard Postman, the author of Anvils in America believe that they were inspector's marks. Peter Wrights had numerous different stampings on the front feet and anchors were one of the common stamps.


I have wondered the same thing my self. I have a 385lb Peter Wright with a anchor stamp on it. For years I did not know what type of anvil it was because some one had cleaned up the side with a mill where the trade made should be. When I bought Anvils of America I read about the diiferent stamps and found it on one foot.

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