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New member here. I am browsing the web looking for materials and inspiration on a project. I found this site searching for 6" steel rollers. I found 2"dia x 6"length steel rollers at McMaster Carr. I found bronze bushings. I found some .375" VBA4 eccentrics made by pacific bearing at Motions Industries. I found some .375 idler shafts. I found 1/2"alum endplates at speedy metals.
I don't have a lathe. I'd like a better axle than a .375 idler threaded into the roller. I would rather find a steel roller cut down to a 1/2" axle on each end or long enough that it could be machined. So I'm wondering, given all the metalworkers here, would there be better sites than McMaster Carr to get rollers? Or should I be looking for a machine shop?


What continent are you on?

Here in the USA I would try finding a Votech machine shop to see if they would do a small project for me---I have one such build my falconettes 30 years ago for me.


Welcome aboard Dave, glad to have you. A number of the guys around here take a vocational metal shop class to have access to the machinery. You also get to learn a skill or two.

Frosty The Lucky

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