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I have a Kohlswa anvil, it measures 27" long x 4" wide x 11.5" tall I am trying to determine the weight so I can set a price on it. The only marking I can find are Kohlswa over Sweden.

Posted (edited)

I found a 200# Anvil on HABA for sale.....1) Anvil is 200 lb Kohlswa London pattern. Hardie hole is 1 1/4", Pritchel hole is 3/4" faceplate is 4 5/8"x 17 3/4", overall length is 29 3/4", and the height is 12"

For reference....My medium size anvil is a Kohlswa #119 with a 3/4" hardie hole. The top one in this picture is my Kohlswa, the bottom is my 300# Fisher minus a bit of the horn...


Edited by fluidsteel

Thanks for the reply. On my anvil the hardy and pritchet hole is in the back. Interestingly my right side faceplate is rough on the edge as is yours


The anvil should have a additional marking on the side that will tell you what kind. Be aware that in the late 80's and early 90's there were substandard anvils imported of this brand that were too soft and wore quickly. I acquired one a few years ago it was easily dented. If you resell this anvil and it is one of the defective ones it should be priced accordingly.

Very hard to use basic measurements to determine weight as relatively minor differences can change things by quite a few pounds!

Now if it is a modern make where there is good documentation on their sizes sold you have a chance.

But last time I compared faces lengths, breadths and HH's and heights on a variety of anvils you could find two that were nearly identical yet the anvils weighed 50 pounds or more different due to waist configurations.


Thanks to Timothy, this anvil sat is the same shop since the 30's So I assume it is a good one. Thanks to Thomas I will have to find some way to weigh It.
I am not sure what to ask for it so I will keep on researching, I am getting an education on anvils.

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