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I Forge Iron

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Seeing how well my other post did I decided to share another doodle with you guys. I've noticed the community on here is knowledgeable and nice. :D

Obviously this axe would not make a good tool and possibly not even that good of a weapon.

But god would it look good hanging on the wall.

Same rules as last time, brutally critique the axe if you want, say it's horrible, says its great, or if you don't want to say anything that's okay too.

I attached the file to this post.



a bardiche with a jagged edge. this is basically a 14th century war weapon.
are you going to forge it or plasma cut it?

If I tried to make it I'd probably cut it.

Lose the spikes on the tail end of the handle---all the flesh they will impact is *yours* (too short to use with a butt spike)

Weak points where you drill the handle to rivet. Can you make those sections splinted with a piece of pipe?

Make the handle longer for that size it would be a two handed weapon---take a look at halberds

And again---hard to hit normal to point of impact and prone to twisting.

See if you can turn up a copy of "A Glossary of the Construction, Decoration and Use of Arms and Armor: in All Countries and in All Times" (ISBN 10: 0486407268 / ISBN 13: 9780486407265 )Stone, George Cameron

Better known as "Stone's Glossary" Get to know what folks have tried and use that as a spring board for your designs!

(Note that Stone is not the most rigorously correct source but a LOT of fun to page through and if you find something you can then research it further elsewhere.)

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