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Hi everyone I am hoping to get some advice on a possible hammer air hammer. Please forgive me if this is a repetitive subject, I tried to search on big blu and air hammer- both came back that I needed words with more than 3 letters :wacko: and you can imagine how many hits i got just searching on hammer :P
A smith near me asked if I was interested in his air hammer. I have personally seen but not yet run the hammer. All I know at this point is: it's a big blu model 100 about 11 yrs old, he got it new. I do not know what to look for or what to ask or what to check out for wear etc... I have checked with big blu and they told me what it sold for new and what the current ones sell for now. I am looking for UNBIASSED advice on weather these are good hammers or are the newer ones so much better that it is best to leave this alone. It would be nice to hear from people using similar machines and not trying to sell me one. I can provide any other info needed, it is just a few hour drive to get to it though.
I would use it to start with putting texture on pickets and rails for gates etc possibly up to 2" posts. Depending on its usefulness branch out from there. :D
Thank you for any advice
r smith


May come with compressor, I know there is an extra one there and without the hammer not sure they will need the compressor that runs it now. Good point, I will make sure to ask. Got me thinking about power for that as well.


The biggest thing to me would be the amount of usage the machine has seen. They do wear out. If it's been ridden hard it had better be cheap.
Personally I don't really like dealing with an air compressor, although I do have one. If you are good at maintenance (draining, leaky lines,oiling,etc), Compressed air is a great thing to have around.


If the dies aren't potmarked and the air cylinder/air lines aren't leaking and the guides aren't gone; there really isn't much that can be wrong with these hammers. Call Josh at Big Blu and ask about the new upgrade option. I did my 155 this fall and it's sweet. The additional airlines to/from the cylinder and the dual valves have really improved the performance and reduced some of the air consumption. It was worth the money for me. Check out Andy's presentation http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=J5QeofqTVhc&feature=endscreen&NR=1.

... I tried to search on big blu and air hammer- both came back that I needed words with more than 3 letters :wacko: and you can imagine how many hits i got just searching on hammer...

The search facilities within the site are horrible. You can also go to google and do a site-specific search:

site:iforgeiron.com "big blu"

I got 269 hits with the above.


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