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I Forge Iron

New to IFI from Oklahoma


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Hello Men:

Haven't hammered on anything hot since the middle ninetys. Attended a horseshoeing/ Forge school in Oklahoma. Had 2 of the best Forge Professors in the USA teaching at Jack Roths Horseshoeing school. Paul King from Australia and Colin ?????? from England....man they could do some magical things on the anvil. All our heat source was on the gas forges and we had Great hammers and tongs to work with. It was an 8 week class that I took and the Firework was worth the whole school. I am getting back into ironwork and just wanted to introduce myself and hope to discuss different techniques/ideas in the future. Beating on Iron has never left my mind I think it gets in the blood if you have the opportunity........It is mine anyway....

Joe Bill Moad
Yukon Oklahoma

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Howdy from East TEXAS!! and welcome to IFI! Check out the Saltfork Craftsmen and Artist Blacksmith Assoc. here; http://www.saltforkcraftsmen.org/
It is the ABANA group in Oklahoma and you are smack in the middle of it! We have meeting somewhere nearly every Sat. of the month and would love for you to join anytime. The closest group for you is the South Central group and they meet on the 3rd Sat each month. In the meantime, kick back and enjoy this site. Plenty to soak up and don't hesitate to chime in when you so desire. Once again, Welcome!

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I will 2nd the saltfork group.
I live a long ways away and every time I go down there or see a member somewhere they treat you like a long lost brother.
The have many classes and demonstrations through out the year and tail gating isnt too bad either. Of course it isnt like toing to SOFA quad state where they start arriving on monday for a friday night open ceremony

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Thanks for the replies Thomas and Roger. I am glad to be associated within a community of men that all Love working Iron in many different ways. I have had 0 experience with any automated equipment other than grinders. I hope to someday find some sort of mechanical hammer. I Like to Hammer myself though, as I was taught.

Thanks Again:

Joe Bill Moad

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Joe Bill, The January meeting of the south-west group will be in Norman, Oklahoma(out on east Alameda) on the 21st. You will be more than welcome to come to the meeting! The details (directions, trade item, etc.)will be on the Saltfork website shortly after the first of the year! Look me up when you get there! Also, if you can't make it, PM me with your mailing address and I will make sure you get a copy of the newsletter! (I have connections with the editor)

Bill Davis

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