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I Forge Iron

Air hammer valving

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I thought I would answer a few questions about this valving system. First, this IS steam hammer valving. The linkage you see on my hammer is a scaled down and somewhat modified version of systems used on steam hammers. As you can see in this link http://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Datei:A_Dampfhammer_uf.jpg it shows a steam hammer with a rod connecting the head and the linkage. I did not find too many hammers set up this way! Most had the a sword or wiper contacting a roller to actuate the linkage. I did make a sword style linkage for my hammer but found it not as adaptable the the frame style of my hammer. I got the linkage to function on my hammer but it seemed more complicated than what you see on my hammer now. The linkage is connected to a single valve which directs the air flow much like you would find on a steam hammer. As far as operating as a treadle hammer all I have to do is slide the adjusting lever in toward the pivot point and the head will follow the treadle. By this I mean that if you step on the treadle half way the head will go down half way. Let the treadle up a little and the head goes up a little. If you push down on the treadle slowly the head comes down slowly. You can also achieve either soft or hard blows with a little practice. To answer the question about the laminated anvil, I don't seem to have any problems with it. As Grant pointed out it is banded and capped. It really can't go anywhere. And it is a lot easier to find 1x10 or 1x12 flat than it is to find a large piece of square stock.
Yes, the linkage can be turned around on the mounting plate if you need the linkage on the other side of the hammer.
And lastly please contact me directly about the cost of the retro kit or check my website.

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You've got a very nice control system there Ken. Is the control 100% with the motion valve? Or does the treadle also control some sort of air throttle too? When small steam hammers have a foot treadle it usually only controls the throttle. Not a very good system most of the time. Have you seen the video of the steam hammer that I modified to control both valves with the treadle?

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