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Hopefully this is the correct forum for this quest, but where do you buy rubber abrasive wheels these days? I have been looking for them for a while today and I cannot seem to find them. My grandfather used them forever and the one I got from him has finally bit the dust. I'm guessing they are called something else, but I cannot seem to figure out what that is.


Cratex is a company that makes them. Search that. I am sure there are others. I have used the chopsaw blades with great success on stainless tubing but heard the blades are no longer made. I think that was Bay State, it has been a while.


Interestingly enough, I think this is a totally different deal. I'm pretty sure what I'm looking for uses a VERY fine abrasive, like pumice and they are white similar to an white PVC eraser. Weygers talks about the same kind in his Making of Tools book.

Guess I should mention I use this for honing. Sorta like these: http://www.esslinger.com/pumicewheels-whitestyle999soldinpackagesof100.aspx


Interestingly enough, I think this is a totally different deal. I'm pretty sure what I'm looking for uses a VERY fine abrasive, like pumice and they are white similar to an white PVC eraser. Weygers talks about the same kind in his Making of Tools book.

Guess I should mention I use this for honing. Sorta like these: http://www.esslinger...kagesof100.aspx

Cratex does make finer grits, typically they are blue or grey not white, but that is just the rubber color. http://www.riogrande.com/Product/Cratex-Introductory-Wheel-Point-and-Mandrel-Kit/332001?pos=15
Silversmiths use them alot. It is sometimes just the perfect thing for the job. Really nice to use if you are heading towards polishing something. vert fast cutting and very smooth and true to the grit size.

I found their extra fine 6" wheels and bought one, hopefully it'll be satisfactory. I use the wheel for final sharpening of less than flat blades (like carving tools). I'm guessing that the grit will not be high enough, though I have a 4000 grit Japanese waterstone wheel as well,

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