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I need to weld some collars onto a few pieces Type S steel FP tooling using my MIG. I am assuming that S St wire and preheat should provide an adequate weld for this purpose.

Any information that you have to share would be appreciated.


I would silver solder it on and let the brazing heat double as my heat treatment, but I'm wacky like that. That way there is no chance of cracking in the heat effected zone.

Grand Idea. That is the ticket. Just re-leased my cylinders, and already have some nice high silver brazing rods. Thanks

S series is a wide range of steel. S1 S5 are oil hardening S7 is air hardening. With with the oil hardening steels I don't see any reason not to use just regular wire, with preheat and post heat. Not sure about the air hardening steel but I have always welded h13 another air hardening steel this way. When I have had welds fail it is usually in the heat affected zone beside the weld, more often than not mild steel, maybe partly because I don't bother with the pre and post heat in the mild steel. These are also in high use power hammer tooling where there are huge amounts of vibration and the steel ends up fatiguing.


S series is a wide range of steel. S1 S5 are oil hardening S7 is air hardening. With with the oil hardening steels I don't see any reason not to use just regular wire, with preheat and post heat. Not sure about the air hardening steel but I have always welded h13 another air hardening steel this way. When I have had welds fail it is usually in the heat affected zone beside the weld, more often than not mild steel, maybe partly because I don't bother with the pre and post heat in the mild steel. These are also in high use power hammer tooling where there are huge amounts of vibration and the steel ends up fatiguing.

Thanks for your comments. My problem is that I do not know if this bar is S1, S5, or S7. The silver braze is a safe answer,and there is no question in my mind that it will hold. It has a tensile strength of 60000 psi. The brazing rod that I use is a high silver alloy, and flows well. Coincidentally I need to braze up a T nut for a lathe and a couple of band saw blades so the set up and prep can be shared. I should have thought about the silver option myself.

I do, however remain curious about the welding. When I have a bit of spare time I think that I will weld up a few test pieces and use my most sophisticated testing apparatus ( my hammer) to test the welds.
  • 8 years later...

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