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I Forge Iron

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Hello everyone, I'm Brian. I started blacksmithing with a lesson over the winter and since have taken a few others. I fairly recently acquired an anvil, some tools, and a side-blast forge with a so-so hand crank blower. So far I've made an S-hook with a twist (oooOOooooO), some tongs, and a hot dog fork for camping. I've been using charcoal, my blower is worn, and my forge less than ideal...but it's enjoyable so I'll improve things with time. Just really doing smithing for fun, but am getting requests to make some rudimentary items for $$$. Anyway whenever I've looked stuff up online I frequently end up on this board and figured I'd join up. I'm in NH. So hello everyone, nice to meet you all!


Hey Brian,
Welcome to IFI. You seem to be off to a good start. As you progress you will get better and more people will become interested in your work which may generate some $$$ to upgrade your equip. Glad you're here, enjoy the ride.
Mark <><


Thanks! I was planning on this being just a money-consuming hobby for fun (like most are); but apparently it may work out differently. I'll post up some photos when I get a chance (probably later this evening).


Hi Brian,
I have a shop located in Royalston, Massachusetts which is a border town to NH. Just south of Richmond. If you are close by and wish to come visit and possibly bash some iron you are welcome. At the moment I am out straight preparing for the Harvard Fall Festival Sept. 17 - 18 but after that I will have some free time. You can check out my shop by going to www.BlackDogForge.net . Also I have a good source for blacksmithing coal.
If you would like to come by you can contact me by email [email protected] or by phone 978-249-6404 .


Welcome aboard Brian, glad to have you. Sounds like you're off and going, there's nothing feels so good as having folk want to pay you for your efforts. Remember to keep some of your early efforts so you can look at them later and see how far you've come.

Don't sweat how "good" your equipment is, a sideblast and charcoal don't need a lot of air to work well. There's also an opportunity here to learn how a blower works when you take it apart and repair it. Don't sweat not being able to do any smithing while it's in the "shop" a hand held hair drier is often more than enough air, especially for charcoal.

Toasting forks are good sellers as are steak turners. Search out pics of steak turners, I'm not talking a spatula or fork. Nails make good demos and are good practice, they require some precision and shouldn't take much time, one maybe two heats, so you're driven to develop precise control and speed. Good skills to develop.

Frosty the Lucky.


Mark- fantastic, once things quiet down for you I'll be sure to drop by. I've past a shop in Brookline too- do you know if the person who owns it is on here? Was up at the League of NH Craftsman's fair two weeks ago- saw some amazing work from Winnipesaukee Forge.

Frosty- thanks as well. I've seen a lot of posts of people taking apart blowers, re-building them (machining new gears, shafts, pouring babbits, etc); is it worth it just to open it up...clean it out...and re-assemble? IE- I don't have a means to machine anything, etc...

Also- I'd post some photos, but it appears I can't yet. I'll need to read the rules, etc...

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