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so my anvil is missing 2/3 of the face plate. it appears to be a Hay Bruden ( or how ever you spell it) what type of steel should i use to make the repair piece. Also, I have looked at the Gunther article and if i am welding to a cast steel base, is the hardend rod necessarry for the side attachment.



The hard facing rod is only required for a welded surface, not for attaching a plate.

If (for some strange reason) I HAD to do this I'd "V" it out leaving about 1" land. Then I'd tack it up, pre-heat it a bit and weld it with a big Dual-shield. When I got done welding the whole area wold be just short of red hot. I'd boost the temp up (maybe with a rose-bud) and hose it till cold, keeping the hose down the middle and off of the edges. Probably use a piece of 1045 and live with whatever I got.


You really want a full penetration weld and not just a go round the side. Of course if that's what you want---just a weld around the sides---, an eighty year old smith in AR, Isaac Doss, who did repairs that way suggested using a chunk of truck leafspring as the face plate as cheap and easy to find.

He told me this back in the mid 1980's so most likely you can't double check with him anymore.


I repaired a Hay Budden in the same state by using underlay and then hardface to build up the missing tool steel plate... the anvil is still in use with maybe 6 years on the repair with no issues...

I think this is a better choice than trying to weld a new plate on the anvil as you will never get a full bond and a void under where you work will negate much of the value of having an anvil in the first place..


I have repaired a few anvils which were missing part of their face plate. I would agree that using a underlay rod and finishing with a hard-facing rod is the only way to go when doing anvil repair. When you are completely finished there is no chance of a a un-welded section.

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