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I Forge Iron

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Started building some tools today for making leaves and flatwork. I had to replace my stearing arm in my Ford F350 last year and I saved the old part knowing I would need it for some project in the future :D !!! So I cut off the end and made a hardy for shaping. I was at a flea market a few weeks back and bought a whole bunch of old concrete chisles a guy had for a few bucks. I knew I wanted to make chisles out of these as I figured they are pretty good steel. So I made a spoon, flat and bull nosed chisle for working the leaves. These are the first tools I've made. Making hardies is harder than I tough. My little rivet forge has to work a little to heat up that steel. (What I really mean hear is I have to stand out in the heat in Alabama and that is the really hard part right now :D !!! ).







I take the pics and drawings I have and can run them through my software to created cut files for really any shape I want. I am reading an old book at the moment that was translated from German on old style metal work. A whole section detailing leaves gave me great patterns for my software. I then cut them out on my Dynatorch to make the blanks. These are cut in 16 gauge at the moment and I will step up to 1/8 or 3/16 for forge works in the next few weeks.






Really nice leaves. Well done. Glad you saved the old steering part. My wife asks why I save old "junk". You have shown why. Good job on the tools.
I feel your pain about the heat. 98º here in eastern NC. Come on fall!

Mark <><


Yeah, them old star drills are sure good for making tooling. I got a lot of the shoved here and there in my garage. I only paid any where from a quarter to fifty cents for them but you know with the advent of the rotary hammer drill no one wants to hammer away with a star drill to make a hole in concrete any more. I just can't understand it for some reason, people are funny that way to give up a perfectly good star drill that only costs a few dollars for a RHD that costs a hundred or more and uses electricity, shoot a star drill can go anywhere. Any way nice tools you made out of them and that is sure a nice leaf. Aren't you glad you didn't have to stand there and cut it out by hand? <_<

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