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I Forge Iron

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Just saw this on the local CraigsList:

1898-1901 Champion Forging Blower
Hand Cranked
Perfect Working Condition
Valued at $500.00 back in the 50's
Will consider all offers
Solid iron construction
garage kept for the last 70 years

He's suggesting that $600 would be an appropriate price; pity I bought one last year for $75 as a back up for my $40 one...


I bet that that was not intended to be sold to a blacksmith... The seller probably thinks 'blacksmithing' no longer exists too! ( pardon the prejudice ) but yes, prices on everything are getting even more ridiculous !



selling things like that dosnt happen ... ive seen things on craigs list that are priced to high and they keep avertiseing over and over and over again...local phoenix craigs list has a hand crank drill press for 350$ been on there over a year... ant gona sell...


Ya our "Buddy" mr B has one listed out here,"The most popular blower ever made" for the very reasonable price of $275.00, or he has one without the stand that you can have for $210.00. Also many other tools anvils to trip hammers and it could all be yours if the price was right!
This guy does not come down on his price either, you pay full price if you want what he has


I see funny listing like this all the time, certainly many people know that its way over normal market price but other people just have no idea what something is worth. One person told another person that told another person that it was yaada yaada price. One fellow had a peter wright 500lb listed for 2100. The face was not bad but the heel was broken off. After a month or so the price went down to 1800, then another month and it was 1600. At this point I emailed the fellow and offered 500, he was thrilled with the offer. Talked with him for a while and a antiques dealer had told him it was worth 3000. Vary nice fellow, but he had no idea what the thing was worth. He even loaded the thing into my truck. Turns out I was the only person that had offered him anything at all. Maybe I could have gotten it cheaper.


I just picked up a PERFECT champion for $75.00. Well, I guess its not perfect... needs a good cleaning and lube job and a handle....


Perhaps the blower was supposed to be $50 instead of $500? (Pardon me sir, is this decimal point yours? Someone has misplaced it.)

On the Portland Craigslist, a fellow tried for months to sell a "set of swage blocks" for $300. His "swage blocks" were a mismatched bunch of shop press arbor plates.


I have bought and sold Champion 200 blowers with the stand for $40.00 they are pretty common and I do not give them much value myself. The hand crank is nice to have when you are without power but other than that I do not see much use for it

On the Portland Craigslist, a fellow tried for months to sell a "set of swage blocks" for $300. His "swage blocks" were a mismatched bunch of shop press arbor plates.

Yeah, that one crops up about every 3 months - price never goes down.

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