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For 18 years i was a certified nuclear pipe welder. and dressed " welder " starched khaki shirts, a black T, and the loudest, burn the eyes with color and design welding hats i could get. Till now we only had two choices of welding cap, a hard visor cap like the baseball kind and the soft cloth kind. the soft one has its best moments in winter as a skull cap, worn with a "hoody" sweatshirt. That was the preferred wear under the hardhat.the soft bill was more comfortable. In summer the baseball kind was better because when worn wet it cooled better by being less in contact with the head. Now in Old Navy there is a hard bill "military " looking hat in canvas that is better than either for a welding hat.It offers a higher crown and more space for cooling air and just looks cool. All the RAP artists are wearing them. dont let that stop you welders or wannabe welders from checking them out. the come in sand color. an O.D. , a navy blue, and a field grey. I dont know if they got a camo version or a sand n chocolate chip. I got a very big head and my size 7-5/8 is available. Oh, you might ask why a black T? less reflecting light under the hood than a white T.


yes it is 100% cotton a tight weave mil. spec. canvas fabric. It works great as a head cooler in my shop where i dont wear a hardhat. The soft caps fit too closely to the scalp to stay cool, this cap has a large amount of air space on top that will remain wet and cool.


Dang! Only 7-5'8, I need a 7-3/4 or a bit bigger depending on the hat maker. I guess it wont hurt to try one on. I have the hardest time finding hats that will fit. When I was in the Navy in boot camp there was this little Filipino guy telling us what hat sizes we were going to take and he had this baseball cap that he would slap on everybody's head. Well he got to me and it wouldn't even go on and he said " You a got a forking bid head sailor, we no got one that big! We make one fit." and he jammed one on so that it did but they still had to special order my white caps. You would think that an organization as big as the US Navy would be prepared for a nearly size 8 head. My two sons also have the big head problem, when they were young they needed bicycle helmets, just try and find a size 7-3/4 bike helmet so they can ride their bikes to school. Dang things had to be custom made by Bell Helmet Co. and then a year later the Federal guide lines for helmets had changed so the boys couldn't ride their bikes to school. I made them ride the bus after that. <_<


Blessed with a big head, and big hands.The only brand T.I.G. gloves that fit my hands are the MUSTANG BRAND found only at only one local welders supply.


Dang! Only 7-5'8, I need a 7-3/4 or a bit bigger depending on the hat maker. I guess it wont hurt to try one on. I have the hardest time finding hats that will fit. When I was in the Navy in boot camp there was this little Filipino guy telling us what hat sizes we were going to take and he had this baseball cap that he would slap on everybody's head. Well he got to me and it wouldn't even go on and he said " You a got a forking bid head sailor, we no got one that big! We make one fit." and he jammed one on so that it did but they still had to special order my white caps. You would think that an organization as big as the US Navy would be prepared for a nearly size 8 head. My two sons also have the big head problem, when they were young they needed bicycle helmets, just try and find a size 7-3/4 bike helmet so they can ride their bikes to school. Dang things had to be custom made by Bell Helmet Co. and then a year later the Federal guide lines for helmets had changed so the boys couldn't ride their bikes to school. I made them ride the bus after that. <_<

When my Dad went in the US Army during WWII they sent him to boot camp out in CA. They were all in formation when the DI came up to him and said "Where the H--- is your helment soldier?" Dad told him it didn't fit, he was wearing the "steel pot" as the liner didn't fit. More "nice" comments from the DI. Got him out of the infintry and into the kitchen! He spent his time over in the Phillipeans also, as a mess SRGT. And Yep, I got a big one too....

I greatly appreciate the "heads up" on the hat. I too have a large head and have to look around for the larger sized hats. One smith years ago had on a custom welder's hat with teddy bears on it, and the hat was made with heavy weight cotton and had a really nice lining. I have been kicking myself for years for not asking him for the name of the lady that was making them in her house.


I think the only way yankee armies could have marched on the South in their blue wool uniforms (so easy to see, and shoot) was the forage caps issued to them . tall enough to stuff with green leaves and keep wet it likely saved the yanks from " heat casualties". A mysterious disease that affects troops in the modern army in the desert, but I never heard of that from fellow vets who went to NAM

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