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I Forge Iron

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welcome to the group
plenty of smithis in AZ
I am from Minnesota but am in Jackson, MS for a 2 day class and the MS forge council conference
It was an 1100 mile drive and right now I am killin time in the hotel
Class starts in the morning
Not sue how i will like the 90 degree weather


Howdy from East TEXAS!! and welcome to IFI! You have found THE best site for anything metal. For you own safety let some one know you are here cause you can get lost in all the info!

Roger, it's not the 90degree heat that will get ya, it the 90%+ humidity that goes along with it that will get ya! Wish I could make this one, gonna be a good conf. and the workshop sounds great! Enjoy, and take plenty pic for us will ya?


Welcome to IFI from ne NC. Pull up a stump and sit a while. Lots to learn here. Ask a question and you WILL get an answer/opinion. Look forward to seeing what you are forging. (post pictures for those of us that can't read.)

Mark <º))><


I am a employee for Pieh tool company. You need to understand thou my time here is my time. I am not advertising or chasing sales. Just me trying to grow and gain more experience. When I am here I represent myself...


Welcome to IFI. We heard in the news there was a place called Arizona. I also heard the folks there think it gets hot. Hmm... if you can stand the heat, come on ovah here to Baton Rouge and compare, its OPEN FORGE always at Arnold & Anvil Blacksmiths.


I am a sun lover, so not effected to much by the heat. Thanks for the invite you never know I just might take you up on it.

Take Danny up on his invite. While you are there he will indoctrinate you into "humidity + heat."

Mark <º))><

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