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I Forge Iron

Bench top press


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So im looking at a small 6ton A-frame bench top press from harbor freight. I'm only a hobyist and work primarily on blades and assorted wallhooks for the moment. My shop consist of an 8'x8' shed in my back yard that i added a 4 foot lean to style roof for extra coverage. I was thinking of buying this little press to help with drawing out forge welded billets as they have proven to be pretty hard to push around. The cost of the press is around $65. It has a max verticle working distance of 4" and a horizontal distance between channels of 10-12". This sounds like plenty of room to work with for what i am doing but i was wandering about the tonnage as i havent used a press for this purpose before. Will this little press be able to draw out a 1095 and 15n20 or cable welded billet? Is this practicle or would i be wasting my money? Any suggestions are welcome. Here is the dirrect link to the press if anyone cares to take a look at it. Thanks again!!

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Whilst I don't know that specific press per se', I have found that sort of press is extremely usefull for general assembly and disassembly of mechanical items. That being said I think that for the use that you are proposing you may find it very,very slow and while 6 tons may sound a lot, for forging it is quite light.

My $0.02 worth. :)


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I do have that exact press and it is very slow. The press plates it comes with are cast iron and both of mine broke in half while doing some simple jobs. It is a handy addition to the shop but I doubt it would be very useful for forging.


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Thanks for the input guys. Guess i'll be sticking with pounding until i cant pound no more as i don't have the room or budget for much bigger. I may be able to pull off a 12ton press in regards to both room and budget but i guess ill have to look into one that is able to be modified to increase speed. If yall have any suggestions on going that route id appreciate it. Guess i'll get to reading more on the subject. Thanks again for the input!

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