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Hi all,
I was wondering if someone here might be able to help me. I have a lathe I'm selling (it was one of my father's) and I have a buyer, what I need to know is, what is a good asking price for this lathe? It is in excellent condition, it is a Craftsman 101_07403 and I have literally hundreds of parts; milling attachments, chucks, cutters...

note: my buyer does not need a bargain, he is loaded and I'm not ;)

Thanks, any help will be greatly appreciated!



I am somewhat confident that is an Atlas made lathe, but could be wrong.

There is a highly active Atlas and Craftsman group on Yahoo with a wealth of knowledge and information about all the Craftsman lathe manufacturers (there were several over the years)



I am somewhat confident that is an Atlas made lathe, but could be wrong.

There is a highly active Atlas and Craftsman group on Yahoo with a wealth of knowledge and information about all the Craftsman lathe manufacturers (there were several over the years)


Thanks for the info Phil, I will keep searching. I have been Google-ing all day and still don't have a ball-park figure :P

I'll keep my eyes on this post in case someone here has more info, thanks again

Thanks for the info Phil, I will keep searching. I have been Google-ing all day and still don't have a ball-park figure :P

I'll keep my eyes on this post in case someone here has more info, thanks again

The lathe looks decent, but if you want the real value, put up some pictures of the tooling. Tooling can be worth more than the machine.

Arftist is correct, the tooling may be worth more than the lathe itself. Think of it this way, without the tooling all you have is something that will spin parts. 3,and 4 jaw chucks, faceplate, drill chucks, live centers, change gears, and more are what make the lathe more useful.

I just sold a similar Atlas for $200 to a friend. It had been set up to turn armatures a long time ago. $200 was for the basic lathe, no change gears, and no chucks other than the soft jawed drill type chucks used for armatures.


Arftist is correct, the tooling may be worth more than the lathe itself. Think of it this way, without the tooling all you have is something that will spin parts. 3,and 4 jaw chucks, faceplate, drill chucks, live centers, change gears, and more are what make the lathe more useful...

Thank you so much 4 the replies, I will get out the boxes of tooling today and get them posted on here asap. Also I joined the yahoo group that was recommended and am waiting for admin approval

Thanks again guys :)
Hi all,
I was wondering if someone here might be able to help me. I have a lathe I'm selling (it was one of my father's) and I have a buyer, what I need to know is, what is a good asking price for this lathe?

Tooling Pics Added Here - click it
there are 44 pics, viewing it in slide show format is probably the easiest.

I have pics of the tooling, I wasn't sure how many I could attach here on the forum so I uploaded them all to Photobucket and you can see them there.

Thanks again for taking the time to look :)

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