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I Forge Iron

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Here's my first knife made from carbon steel. Base stock was an old spring drag tooth, with copper pins and a maple handle treated in ferric acetate. Since I'm not sure on the exact carbon content, I tempered to purple. I would rather have to sharpen it more often then have it shatter.







real nice, the sheath is nice as well. did you make the axe? is that belt loop historical? either way, consider it stolen. :) how did you make the slot for the tang? once again, very nice and we hope to see more soon!


Sadly, no, I did not make the hawk. I bought it off a smith at the Platteville Colonial Re-enactment last summer.

I started the slot with a table saw, roughed out with a band saw, and finished it with hand files and sandpaper.

Originally, I was just going to have the leather loop around, but I didn't have enough material. The idea for the steel and copper ring just kinda popped into my head.

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