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I Forge Iron

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So i went to a local antique shop looking for some tools and was asked what i was looking for, i said blacksmith tools, when i explaned why they asked me what kind of things i make, and they want samples to sell in the store so what are some easy selling things i can make and what kind of stock would you use to make it?


leaf key rings, hooks, nails, rings, fire pokers, skewers, cooking utensils etc... stuff like that are good little things to make for selling on the small scale.



Josh there are how many blue prints on this site . look through them and let you're self pick out what to do go through the old pages and look up what other smiths have done.this site has a wealth of information on it if you spend the time to research it. Tony


Because this is an antique shop, the market is likely to be people looking for traditional iron items rather than modern craft type work. Remember that both you and the shop have to make a profit but don't give your work away. Your time is worth something. Almost anybody will take iron to sell if you put it in their shop on consignment but in my own experience you are much better off selling it to them outright. Otherwise, they have nothing invested and their motivation to move the merchandise is not as great. Ask the shop keepers what they think would move and what price range would be best suited for their clientele. I used to have my shop at a museum and sold items to pay the rent. S-hooks of varying lengths and small hooks with a bean cusp are timeless and you will sell all you can make. A nice touch when selling hooks is to stock a box of black screws of suitable size and include one with each hook. Run the screw through the hole in the cusp and put a piece of masking tape on the threads behind the hook to keep it there. People can take them home and put them up as purchased without having to find their own screws or nails. Ironwork will make you wages, marketing will make you money. You could make nails but remember that two of you have to make a profit on it and not everyone wants to drive a nail into their woodwork. A simple traditional trivet might be a good choice if you have a design that can be made for a price that will sell. Start simple and expand and good luck.


Shish Skewers. Use 3/16"square stock. Included is the jig to form the loop. These go really fast. Cooks love them.




Why not have a look thru some BS books you have on the history. See what BS made for the every day household, then go from there. One idea I will give is a spike candle holder. Have you also thought about doing commissioned work should it come your way from this venture? Good luck.

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