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I was here for a bit as tinbender and could not seem to retrieve the password so a new account with my name was the easiest:)

The forum seems to have a very positive feel to it. I'm happy to see that and send thanks to those that have made it this way (not that there was anything wrong before).

Frosty I am happy to see you are still kicking and have not lost your sense of humor:)

Dave the Lucky


Mark, Harold....thanks

Thomas..... have'nt looked into that but will certainly now....thanks

Dave, I do not see your name on the current AABA roster. If you have a chance this weekend our state hammer in is going to be held at Grizzly Iron in Phoenix. Pep Gomez from New Mexico will be the demonstrator who I might add is excellent. Tonight he is going to do a thermite pour, tommorow he is going to do pattern welding (Damascus) and Sunday morning will be some more fun. If you need more info go to AABA web site at www.az-blacksmiths.org and click on January's news letter or PM me.

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