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I Forge Iron

Preparing for Tannehill

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Here is a link to the conference brochure http://www.alaforge.org/files/2010_Sept_conferance.pdf

And here is a link where I got the brochre from http://www.alaforge.org/

Hope you can make it.

I hope everyone from the IforgeIron gang will stop by and say hello to us.

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Brian, Karen, and I are heading for the Alabama Forge Councils Conference at Tannehill State Park this morning. We will be making tools in the tailgating area for the next four days. These folks know how to have fun so if you can make time to get there its worth the trip. We will be back Sunday.

Again here is the brochure http://www.alaforge.org/files/2010_Sept_conferance.pdf

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Here are a few PICS of the AFC Fall Conference.

1. The shot of Brian and Lyle making my Hardy Cutter.

The others where presenters at the conference.

2. John Phillips - large cool stuff www.phillipsmetalworks.com . http://www.abana.org/downloads/publications/arteaser.pdf
3. I did not get the name of the guys making the tongs, but I won (highest bid) two pair of them he donated to the auction. I think they were from Shelby County though here in Alabama. Very nice tongs !!!
4. "Iron in the hat" crowd
5. Auction crowd. It rained for about 15 min real hard but it cooled things off for the auction.

This was a great weekend and I spent most of my time buggin Brian, Karen and Lyle. But I also enjoyed what I got to see of the other presenters.

If you got to come out to the event, I am sure you had a great time. The park was nice and the AFC put on a heck of a event.

I got to meet many of the folks that are part of the AFC and joined myself to support AFC. I knew a few of the folks from other events like Kentuck and other central Alabama events. http://www.kentuck.org/festival.html

1. Alan Kress
2. Allison Bohorfoush (Kress) - http://www.alabamadesignercraftsmen.com/pages/artists/bohorfoush.htm
3. Robert (Bob) Taylor - saw him but did not get a chance to talk to him. http://www.southernartistry.org/Robert_Taylor

I also got to meet many of the AFC supporting members and had a great event.

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Thanks for posting the pics, I am glad that hardy fit. Here is a link to the pics I took http://picasaweb.google.com/LDWynn/AlabamaForgeCouncilConference# since I was mainly working I only got pictures when I could. I was surprised that there were so many people that had been on Iforgeiron, in the past I only came across a few. There were several people that said they had only found this site a week or two ago. Ya'll stand up and let us here from you. When you see Brian or I let us know you have seen us here. we enjoy telling people we know someone through this web site. For years I went to meetings once a month to try and learn more about blacksmithing. This site fills in a big void, and gives you access to answers you would have had to wait on.

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