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I Forge Iron

Knife angle grinding

Max and Kate

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I have a 1" Grisly belt grinder which I would like to put a 24 degree edge on newly forged blades, is there a system that would allow me to grind a newly forge blade to the desired angle on all four sides of a blade? I am willing to buy another system or grinder that will help get that perfect edge.

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I worked with a professional swordmaker for a year---high end stuff.

Everything he did was with his hands, no jigs, special setup, mills, etc. Just trained hands from a lot of practice.

I haven't seen any method that gives you the freedom in grinding that trained hands will.

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A simple bit of maths will help you out, Do you understand Sin,Cos and Tan? apply that to the bevel of your knife looking down the blade seeing them as a triangle, like the cross-section of the blade if you know what I mean, Free hand grinding is easy if you mark out your blade correctly!

Hope this helps :)

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Keep in mind that if you had never ever driven a car and really had not had any training at all in driving. I would likely not toss you keys to a brand new corvette and suggest you give it a go.

It takes a bit of up front work to drive,,grind blades, or do alot of things.

With that in mind maybe it would be best to set that blade aside. Forge about a dozen of them from mild steel and grind them using wotever you have to work with and how ever you wish. If you get a way that works, then maybe go back to the knife or maybe practice a bit mmore. From helping a few folks I seemed to see a couple of ways this can go. Some folks learn it on there own, and some of those folks can learn it in less than two years. Others can watch someone do it and learn enough to get them started in less time. Others do better with formal classes, where you are shown, you do, then shown some more and do some more. All of this latter method with some class room and one on one instruction by someone skilled and able to instruct.
I am not sure where you fit into any of the above but I do hope you will take this advice and learn and practice. Classes will help youlearn wot and how to practice. You can literally practice to the point that you can repeat the same mistakes over and over unless you learn the ways to practice and how to achieve good results.

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"I would need an adjustable table on a grinder for that to work for us."

there was no table on his grinder, just a contact wheel and a platten. It was a bader.

I have made a couple of blocks of wood with different angles, I use them to eye ball the edge, the blanks never touch the wood its just used as a visual aide.

Yep, I noticed the adjustable table that he made for his grinder, I'm not willing to do that with the Grisly, maybe another grinder would work.
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Take a look at this jig which really isn’t a jig at all. Fred Rowe invented the thing and many have found it to be invaluable, especially for just what you are doing. It allows you to do your grinding free hand yet right on the money, in effect “teaching” your hands how to do it correctly.



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Take a look at this jig which really isn’t a jig at all. Fred Rowe invented the thing and many have found it to be invaluable, especially for just what you are doing. It allows you to do your grinding free hand yet right on the money, in effect “teaching” your hands how to do it correctly.



Interesting setup, the link keeps timing out on me, I'll give a go this weekend.
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